Assertion in the Workplace - Duration 1 Day

This course will show you exactly what assertion is. It will differentiate between passive and aggressive, making application very clear for everyone.


  • Understanding Assertion - How it differs from other types of behaviour
  • Thoughts and feelings - Changing your internal programming
  • Staying in control - Handling personal attacks
  • Standing your ground - Practicing the 6 types of assertion

What they will learn

  • Knowledge of what assertion really is.
  • How to identify the barriers to assertion.
  • Deal with internal issues that hinder you.
  • Learn how to deal with personal attacks effectively,
  • assertively while staying in control.
  • Learn six strategies for assertive behaviour along
  • with how and when to use each of them.
  • Practice assertion in a safe environment.


This course is for anyone with a desire to increase their presence, influence, and ability to be heard and valued in the work place.


Give us call, we would love to hear from you