Neuro Linguistic Programming - Duration 1 or 2 Days

A great course for anyone wanting to find out how the remarkable area of NLP can enhance both their working and personal lives.


  • What is it? - The study of human excellence
  • NLP principles - The background principles. Using our senses more
  • Using the brain - Understanding the brain. Using language
  • Outcome thinking - Practicing outcome thinking

What they will learn

  • The importance of flexibility, senses, rapport and outcomes.
  • How to value and use senses more effectively.
  • Rapport and what it does for us.
  • How behaviour breeds behaviour.
  • Become more flexible in approaching situations.
  • Understand the link between beliefs and behaviour.
  • Be able to control reactions and be more confident.
  • Become an outcome thinker.


This course is for those who want to be confident, perform better and be effective at communicating.

Give us call, we would love to hear from you